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Action: Load Config
Updated over 6 months ago


The Load Config action allows you to load and utilize static data stored in a separate "config" workflow within your main workflow. Config workflows serve as a centralized place to store reusable data like company names, descriptions, and value propositions and any other static variables that are frequently referenced. When using Load Config, you select the specific config workflow to load, and then specify which output variables from that workflow you want to import into your main workflow. This allows you to easily reference and incorporate that static config data throughout your main workflow actions. Load Config is especially useful when you need to ensure consistency by using the same core data points across multiple workflows, or when you have certain data that needs to be dynamically available but doesn't change often.

Usage Examples

  • Account Research Workflow - If you want to ensure that the account plan and selling angles you generate are aligned with your company's current description and value propositions, you can load a dedicated config workflow that contains these static variables (company name, description, value props). By using the LoadConfig action to retrieve these variables from the config workflow, you can then reference and utilize them later in your main account research workflow. This allows you to maintain consistency and leverage up-to-date company information when crafting tailored account plans and selling strategies.

How To Use

  1. First, create a separate workflow to store your config data, giving it a name containing "config" or "settings" (e.g. Company Config Data).

  2. In that config workflow, add Format Output actions to output the static variables you need (e.g. Company Name, Company Value Propositions)

  3. In your main workflow, add the Load Config action.

  4. For the "Select your config workflow" input, choose the config workflow you created.

  5. For the "Which config outputs would you like to use" input, specify the names of the outputs from the config workflow that you want to load as variables.


  • Select your config workflow - This input allows you to select a workflow that contains configuration data or static variables that you want to use in your main workflow. The workflow you select should have Config or Settings in its name. A workflow named 'Account Config' or 'Settings Workflow'

  • Which config outputs would you like to use - This input allows you to specify which particular outputs or static variables from the selected config workflow you want to load and make available in your main workflow. Variables like company name, company description, and company value propositions that are listed in Format Output actions


  • Selected Config Outputs: These are the specific variables/outputs from the config workflow that were chosen in the "which config outputs would you like to use" input field. These static variables get loaded into the main workflow


  • Missing output in config workflow - If you are having trouble finding a particular output (e.g. company name, description, value proposition etc.) in the selected config workflow, make sure that it is explicitly added as an action in your config workflow. The Load Config action can only retrieve outputs that have been defined in the source config workflow.

  • Config workflow not appearing in dropdown - If the config workflow you want to use is not appearing in the "Select your config workflow" dropdown, double check that the workflow name contains the word "config" or "settings". The LoadConfig action filters the available workflows based on these keywords in the name to only show relevant config/settings workflows.

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